Holidays with Tugg

In our third training class, Tugg didn’t do spectacular but wasn’t as bad as the week before. He learned to sit down when he comes across a stranger, drop it and lay down. Drop it was kind of awful since he gets pretty excited and snatches things from your hands and actually gets your hand in the process. The trainer suggested to not give him the toy until he stops trying to lunge for it and that actually worked out. He got lay down in a snap. It was one of two tricks he knew before he took the class so we were proud that we weren’t the ones having trouble this time!

I spent Christmas week with these two crazy ones.

I spent Christmas week with these two crazy ones.

My fiancé went back home for the holidays and I stayed home to work and care for Tugg. During the work, I dropped him off at my mom’s house so my sisters can care for him.

Day one: he chewed off a purple Teletubby’s nose off. Day two: he spit out a piece of gum when I came to pick him off. Day three: no problem but he was scared to take a snapshot in front of their Christmas tree. I took him to Petsmart Doggie Day Camp for the first time since his usual daycare Bark N’ Lounge closes before I got off. I must say I do like how they put how he did on a card but I’m still in love with our original place just because they know us. I cannot say enough good things about Bark N’ Lounge.
With our extended time together, I have grown to appreciate my dog. I always compare him to dogs I have had in the past but there’s just something about him that makes him stand out. I was driving him to my mother’s house and had the

Tugg loves how the wind blows in this hair.

Tugg loves how the wind blows in this hair.

window down for him. Just a few weeks ago, he discovered his new favorite thing is to stick his out of the window while we drive. It just cracks me up to see his face with the wind blowing his hair back. From that moment today, I knew I loved him more than any dog I have had. I can’t say the other dogs I have had made me smile as much as he has and for once, I feel like ours mine and isn’t cling onto one person. And that for me means so much.

I hope everyone had a great holiday season. For us, leaving our two animals to go back to work is hard but I’m sure Tugg doesn’t mind going to daycare and Georgie doesn’t mind having the house all to herself all day.

Here’s a video of Tugg’s best moments on Instagram! Add him @tuggthegoldendoodle if you haven’t already! 

Training Class and Ice Storms

Tugg had his first training class a few weeks ago. When I was campaigning for a goldendoodle, Google helped me by stating he/she’s temperament was intelligent and trainable. After Ryan saw what Google had to say, he was comfortable with switching from a Golden Retriever. Throughout these five months of being together, Tugg has proved Google wrong. We picked the most stubborn goldendoodle but the breeder did warn us because of his crazy high energy he would be tough to train. We saw it was a challenge and Tugg has been winning most of the battles.


Tugg sitting down for the trainer.

But in training at Petsmart, he did fairly well. From the get-go, he was sitting as soon as the trainer said the word “sit.” The atmosphere at the training class was pretty intense though.

When we were waiting for class to start, these two dogs were just snarling and barking at each other. The combo rubbed every dog around them the wrong way. I was pretty scared to introduce them to Tugg. When one of them started sniffing his junk, things were fine. During the rest of the training, each dog minus Tugg showed their teeth to the pair. At the end of the session, there was a huge fight. At that moment, I was glad my dog was oblivious to everything.

When we worked on “look at me” and I couldn’t tell if Tugg was glancing at me because his hair has gotten so long around his eyes (Ryan wanted to grow out his coat. He claims its because of winter but in reality, he wanted Tugg more fluffy). So I treated him each time his eyebrows shifted towards me.

Overall, he surprised me. I always thought he was impossible when it came to listening. He gave me a little faith that he is capable of it until our next training class.

Tugg was awful in our second session. He struggled with every trick (leave it, take it & loose leash walking) we learned. During “leave it”, he bit me trying to get to the treat! In his defense, my hand was in the way for a while 🙂 So I don’t know what surprises will happen next week. Oh and the two unruly dogs were placed in private lessons.


Tugg lounging during the ice storm in Texas.

Iceageddon came upon North Texas so it was Tugg’s first time to experience ice/snow. He reacts to it like he does when it rains. He licks it off the ground. So yes, he liked it. We had just finished watching Marley & Me around midnight. Ryan usually takes Tugg out before bed at night so when I opened the porch down to see what the situation was… it was shocking. Growing up in Texas, we don’t see a whole lot of winter but when we do it comes on strong. Tugg didn’t see to mind. When we finally got back into the apartment, he just wanted to play. I don’t understand how this dog has so much energy at 12:30 in the morning!

I must say I don’t know if I could live north since Tugg LOVES to pull and I almost busted my butt each time I took him out. We both need to practice on our walking skills.

I was stuck at home for three days and definitely caught cabin fever! I took a lot of videos then slo-mo videos of Tugg running after a ball. Enjoy!

Every Story has a Beginning

Tugg was born May 10th, 2013. We always talked about wanting a dog but the thought of actually getting one never crossed our minds until we saw a golden. In June, a friend posted a picture of one that needed a new home and I finally convinced the boyfriend of actually getting one. It was a day before we were going to meet him that the owner decided to keep him. I was heart broken. I swear I cried everyday for a month over it. Ryan kept telling me that it will happen. I didn’t believe him. We looked all over the Internet for rescues and breeders and none matched with the criteria that Ryan wanted in a dog. It was either he’s not fluffy enough or too dark. I almost gave up on finding Tugg. usher pup

Finally we went to Canton Trade Days and saw the most fluffiest dog we have ever seen, a goldendoodle. Ryan wasn’t convinced it would be a “manly” dog. Once I pulled a picture of Usher with a tiny goldendoodle puppy, Ryan was on board. Thanks Usher!

We went on another search and found a family-run breeder, Lonestar Doodles in Granbury. We messaged the breeder looking for Ryan’s fluffy and creme dream dog. She had a few in mind and we set up a time for me to meet at her new home.

T & Ps

Tugg (left one) hanging with friends.

I can’t tell you how excited I was to spend my morning playing with puppies! The hour drive was like waiting hours to go to the bathroom. When I finally got there, the couple showed me five puppies, three minis and two medium sized. I spent an hour with the pups and couple that July morning. One of the minis was whiny so they put him back. Two of the minis just played with each other the majority of the time. I was instantly in love with one of the minis, Fanin. He cuddled up next to me and slept by my feet. I was convinced this was my guy. Then there was Beau, the biggest one of the pack. In the hour I was there, Beau ran around in circles and rough housed/picked on the littler pups while they tried to nap. The couple told me someone in Houston put down a deposit down on him, the first of his liter to be adopted, and they had to back out because of a broken air conditioner. I thought to myself, “that dog is wild.”

I couldn’t make a decision on a puppy by myself. I wanted Ryan to come back with me since this little man would be with the both of us for many years. I counted down the hours to five o’clock that day. I tried to keep myself busy by buying a ton of puppy stuff in preparation for our little man.

We returned in the evening to the couple’s house. On the drive there, I described each puppy’s personality. Ryan loved hearing about Beau. I figured he would. When we got there, the couple showed us four puppies. In the hour we were there, the two minis passed out and the two mediums rough housed with each other. Ryan wanted Beau so we put a deposit on him.

We changed his name to Tugg that night. It was a name I had been dreaming about naming my next dog. If you have seen the movie Tropic Thunder, it’s Ben Stiller’s character’s name. Such an amazing film.

A & T

I’m so happy about having a new puppy!

We decided to wait a week before bringing him home. We had to get dog supplies and figure out a schedule since he was too young for daycare. Ryan always takes the responsible approach to matters.

Finally the night arrived when we were going to pick him up. When we got to the couple’s house, he was already running around in the front yard like a crazy man, waiting for us. The breeder gave us a goodie bag with a toy that smelled like the pups he was hanging with. He dragged it into the bushes then tried to drop it into the mud. After this, I didn’t know if we could handle his high energy. We tried to put a collar and leash on him. He resisted. So I just carried him like I would with my six year old cat, Georgie.

When we got home, he was already homesick. All he did was whimper and whine. I knew it wouldn’t be a good night. Ryan slept with him on the couch, rookie mistake. The next night was worse when we put him in his crate. He eventually grew to hate his crate.

The first week and a half we had him I wanted to return him. He was awful. There was a day where he peed on the carpet six times. I would take him out then clean the spot and he would pee right in front of me. We had some battles that first week.

Tugg turned it around after our Raleigh trip. My old high school teacher and her three boys babysat for us and I swear after that weekend, he was an angel. I remember our flight was delayed and Cross sent me a photo of Tugg in their pool and I cried. I’m pretty sure it was because I was tired and I kind of missed him despite his bad behavior.

Over the next few weeks, he slept in his crate but Ryan slept on the floor next to him. Since I wasn’t working as much as I used to, I had more time to hang out with our new puppy. I didn’t hate him anymore and we grew attached. I couldn’t go to the bathroom in our apartment alone anymore. Tugg had to be there. He loves laying on the tile and napping.

When I went back to school, I had to put him in daycare at Bark N Lounge. I was worried the first day but when I took him back the next day, he basically forgot we were buddies and wanted to leave me to hang out with his new friends so no need to worry. Every time we go in there now, Tugg pulls on his leash until they take him to the back to play. I love that everyone knows him there and sometimes when I walk in to pick him up, he’s in someone’s arms sleeping.

It took Georgie longer to co-exist with him. She had done well with dogs before that I was surprised she didn’t want anything to do with him. I guess that’s the old age and diabetes effects.

G & T

The first time either of these two didn’t annoy each other.

Now Tugg is almost seven months. We’ve had him since July 10th, 2013 and it’s been quite an experience.